The winners of the 2024 President's Engagement and Innovation Prizes

Class of 2024 President’s Engagement, Innovation Prize winners announced

Three prize-winning teams will design and undertake post-graduation projects that make a positive, lasting difference in the world.

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This year’s application deadline will be released in the fall semester.

Full application timeline details are available
via the Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships.

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President's Prizes

Engagement is just one piece of the Penn vision.


This prize offers a broader cross section of the Penn campus a special opportunity to propose meaningful initiatives, to receive funding, and to make an immediate—and sustained—community impact.


Unique at both Penn and across higher education, the President's Innovation Prize underscores the University’s considerable commitment to encouraging students to put their knowledge to work for the betterment of humankind.


Competitively awarded on an annual basis, the President’s Engagement Prizes empower Penn seniors to design and undertake local, national or global engagement projects during the first year after they graduate.